Passport Categories & Check List
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Please ensure you have gone through the checklists prior to downloading your application forms. The checklist for the application category that you apply for will provide details on which specific forms you may need to download. In some instances, there may be more than one form.

You must complete a separate checklist and application form/s for each person applying. Please ensure the documents are completed accurately and signed where needed.

Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

New Passport on Expiry of Old Passport 
Addition or Deletion of Spouse Name  
Change of Address
Change of Appearance
Change of Name after Marriage or Divorce  
Change of Name  
Duplicate Passport for Lost or Damaged Passport  
Passport for Minor under 15 years whose name is in the Mothers Passport OR First Indian Passport for a Minor  
Passport for Minor Under 15 years on expiry of old passport 

Application for New Passport on Expiry of old Passport



On several occasions applicants are issued with short validity passports (SVP) due to some reasons or the other, they may apply for a new full validity passport after paying application fee afresh.


Note: In case the holders of a 20 year validity Passport face problems at immigration, they may also apply for a new 10 year validity Passport after paying applicable fees.

Processing Time: Approx. 2 months. In some cases it may take more time.



1. Complete the application FORM A with all questioned answered andFORM C

2. Four recent photographs

3. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required. I can be reached at, Land:__________ Mobile:__________

4. Attach a copy of your visa page showing valid visa

5. Attach your Current passport with additional booklets(if any) with a set of photocopies of main pages of each passport

6. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only



1. If your Passport has expired more than one month ago you need to submit FORM D

2. If you need to change your name, address or any other details, which appear in the old passport, you will need to review the appropriate checklist and provide the related documents. (See checklists – Change of name/appearance/address or surname after marriage).

3. If your current signature is different from the one on your present passport you will provide a “Statutory Declaration” attested by a Notary Public.

If you do not provide the relevant documents it will be presumed that you do not need changes reflected in the application.

Application for addition or deletion of spouse name in passport



This requires issue of new passport booklet. This service can be combined with the change of surname after marriage or divorce. If this service is combined, the fee still is charged as of one passport service.


1. Complete the application FORM “B”with all questioned answered and FORM C

2. Attach Four recent photographs

3. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required: Land:___________ Mobile:_________

4. Attached a copy of my visa page showing valid visa

5. In the case of addition of name after Marriage, please attach photocopy of marriage certificate attested by a Notary Public, Or photocopy of Bio page & spouse name endorsed page (page of passport with photo and details of endorsement of name) of spouse passport.

6. In the case of deletion of name after Divorce, please attach photocopy of Divorce certificate attested by a Notary Public.

7. Attach your Current passport with additional booklets(if any) with a set of photocopy of the relevant main pages

8. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only.

Application for change of Address in Passport



1. Complete the application FORM “B” with all questioned answered and FORM C

2. Attach Four recent photographs

3. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required: Land___________ Mobile: __________

4. Attach a copy of your visa page showing valid visa

5. For Minors (under 15 yrs), both the parents sign the application form. If one parent signs then a No Objection Certificate (NOC) is required from the other parent.

6. A copy of court custody papers in case of a single separated parent is required.

7. Attach a Proof of New Address (e.g., Electricity Bill, Gas bill, Property papers)

8. Attach your Current passport with additional booklets (if any) with a set of photocopy of the relevant main pages

9. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only.


Application for a change of Appearance in Passport



A change in appearance or photograph requires issue of new passport booklet. The photograph should be the most recent. This include the requests from Sikh applicants who want to change from turbaned photograph to clean shaven ones or vice-versa if they apply for passport on expiry of the old passport.



1. Complete the application form with all questioned answered and FORM C

2. Attach Four recent photographs

3. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required: Land:__________ Mobile:_________

4. Attach a copy of your visa page showing valid visa

5. For Minors (under 15 yrs), both the parents sign the application form. If one parent signs the application then a No Objection Certificate (NOC) is required from the other parent.

6. Attach a copy of court custody papers in case of a single separated parent is required.

7. Attach FORM “E” signed by a Notary Public with current Photo attached.

8. Attach your Current passport with additional booklets(if any) with a set of photocopy of the relevant main pages.

9. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only.


Application for change of Surname in Passport after Marriage or Divorce





This service is for the women applying for passport for the first time in her married name or for a change of surname in existing passport on account of marriage/divorce/remarriage.



1. Complete the application FORM “A”with all questions answered and FORM C

2. Attach Four recent photographs

3. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required: Land:__________ Mobile:__________

4. Attach a copy of your visa page showing valid visa

5. In the case of addition of name after Marriage, please attach photocopy of marriage certificate attested by a Notary Public, Or photocopy of Bio page & spouse name endorsed page (page of passport with photo and details of endorsement of name) of spouse passport.

6. In the case of change of name after Divorce, please attach photocopy of Divorce certificate attested by a Notary Public, Or photocopy of Bio page (page of passport with photo and details) of your previous passport or any other document showing your previous surname.

7. Please attach FORM “F”(only in the case of change of name after marriage).

8. Attach your Current passport with additional booklets (if any) along with a set of photocopy of relevant main pages.

9. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only.


Application for change of Name in Passport




Change of name affects the most important factor in identifying a person hence you must complete the requirement specified at 7 & 9 below and there is no exemption. The application can be submitted after a lapse of 30 days from the date of advertisement.



1. Complete the application FORM “A” with all questions answered and FORM C

2. Attach Four recent photographs

3. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required: Land:___________ Mobile:__________

4. Attach a copy of your visa page showing valid visa

5. In case of minor (under 15 years), both the parents sign the application form. If one parent signs the application then a No objection Certificate (NOC) is required from the other parent.

6. Attach a copy of court custody papers in case of a single separated parent is required.

7. Attach original newspaper pages (complete page with date) bearing the advertisement for your change of name. [Ads must be in Indian National Newspaper (as per address in your passport) and National Newspaper (your present residence)].

8. Attach your Current passport with additional booklets(if any) along with a set of photocopy of relevant main pages

9. Attach FORM “G” signed by a Notary Public.

10. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only.


Application for a Duplicate Passport to replace lost or Damaged Passport




If the applicant requires passport urgently and cannot wait for printed full validity passport, a six months validity hand-written passport can be issued immediately, on is request and that would be only if his Indian nationality is proved prima facie. Within the validity of this short validity passport, the application along with the fee for full validity passport should be made afresh.


Processing Time: Approx. two months. In some cases it may take more time.



1. Complete the application FORM “A” with all questioned answered and FORM C

2. Attach  Four recent photographs

3. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required: Land___________ Mobile:__________

4. A photocopy of Bio Page(page of passport with photo and details) is required in the case of damaged passport only).

5. Attach a copy of your visa page showing valid visa

6. In case of minor (under 15 years), both the parents sign the application form. If one parent signs the application then a “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) is required from the other parent.

7. A copy of court custody papers in case of a single separated parent is required.

8. Attach a Police report or Police event no in the case of lost passport.

9. Attach your Current passport with additional booklets(if any) in case of damaged passport.

10. Reference letters from 2 Indian nationals along with self attested photocopy of Bio page ( page of passport with photo and details) is required

11. Attach self attested photocopies of documents supporting personal details mentioned in my Passport Bio page (, e.g., Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth etc).

12. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only.


Application for First Passport for a minor ( under 15 yrs) / for a minor whose name is in the Mothers Passport




All minor children, that is those who are less than 15 years of age, are required to have separate passports with effect from April, 1997. Children’s names are no longer included in the parents’ passports. A minor child is issued with a Passport of maximum validity of 5 years from the day of issue or till 15 years of age, whichever is less, because the physical appearance of the child changes considerably over five years.


Processing Time: Approx. 2 months. In some cases it may take more time.



1. Complete the application FORM “A” with all questioned answered and FORM C

2. Attach Four recent photographs

3.  Minor’s signature (if able to sign), thumb impression, or box left blank in case of infants. If Unable to sign or provide a thumb impression a letter signed by both parents is required, stating the minor is unable to sign/provide a thumb impression and the reason for the same.

4. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required: Land:___________   Mobile:__________

5. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only.



1. In case a minor applying himself/herself, attach a Notary attested photocopy of the following pages from your fathers Passport and mothers Passport:

a.  Bio page( page with photo and personal details) and visa page

b. Page showing spouse name OR if name is not endorsed on passport, photocopy of marriage certificate.

c. Attach copy of visa page showing valid visa OR in case of no valid visa Residency Proof Status from Ministry of Interior.

2. If only one parent signs the application form a No objection certificate from the other parent is required to be attached with this application.

3. In case of a single parent/guardian, where details of both parents cannot be submitted, photocopy of court custody papers attested by a Notary Public.

4. Attach a Notary Public attested copy of my minor’s birth certificate OR a Notary Public attested photocopy of the passport page where my minor’s name is endorsed.

5. If birth has not previously been registered with any Indian Authority, you will complete and attach FORM “H”.


Application for a Passport for a minor (under 15 yrs) on expiry of old Passport




A minor child is issued with a Passport of maximum validity of 5 years from the day of issue or till 15 years of age, whichever is less, because the physical appearance of the child changes considerably over five years.



1. Complete the application FORM “A” with all questions answered and FORM C

2. Attach Four recent photographs

3. If Unable to sign or provide a thumb impression a letter signed by both parents is required, stating the minor is unable to sign/provide a thumb impression and the reason for the same.

4. Contact number may be required to contact you in case additional details are required: Land:____________ Mobile:________ 

5. Attach a copy of your visa page showing valid visa

6. Both the parents sign the application form and provide photocopies of the Passport Bio-page to verify the signatures. If one parent signs the application then a No Objection Certificate (NOC) is required from the other parent.

7. Attach a copy of court custody papers in case of a single separated parent are required.

8. Attach your Current passport with additional booklets (if any) with a set of photocopy of the relevant main pages.

9. Pay the prescribed fee in cash only.



1. If your Passport has expired more than one month ago you will submit FORM ”D” .

2. If you need to change your name, address or any other details, which appear in the old passport, you will need to review the appropriate checklist and provide the related documents. (See checklists – Change of name/appearance/address or surname after marriage).

3. If your current signature is different from the one on your present passport you will provide a “Statutory Declaration” attested by a Notary.

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