Government of India Releases Final Financial...
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Government of India Releases Final Financial Tranche on Completion of Project Construction of Palestine-India Techno Park

The Government India released today the 4and final financial tranche for the construction of Palestine-India Techno Park. At a ceremony organized at project site, Representative of India Shri Sunil Kumar handed over the cheque of USD 3 million to H.E. Dr. Majdi Al-Khaldi, Diplomatic Adviser to President. The ceremony was attended by Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Abdul Latif Abu Hijleh and members of the administrative board.

Assuring that India will continue to support and partner with Palestine in its capacity building efforts in all fields, Representative of India underlined the Government and People of India’s unwavering support to Palestine and described the Palestine-India Techno Park as another major icon of Indo-Palestinian partnership and friendship. Representative of India stated that the Techno Park aims to create the suitable environment for start-ups, research and development and innovation initiatives, in addition to establishing a solid infrastructure that supports technology clusters that operate successfully on local, regional and global levels.

For his part, H.E. Dr. Majdi Al-Khaldi expressed sincere gratitude to the Government and People of India for this generous contribution and partnership in sharing of expertise and capacity building efforts. Dr. Al-Khaldi highlighted that the Techno Park project is a gift from India that will serve various Palestinian sectors and will constitute Palestine’s launching pad to the IT markets in the region and the world.

It is worth noting that within the framework of India’s partnership with Palestine’s developmental endeavors, the Palestine-India Techno Park was announced in 2016 as a bilateral assistance project, that will serve as an IT hub in Palestine with complete IT facilities offering a one-stop solution to all IT-related service requirements, providing state-of-the-art technology, host IT companies and foreign companies benefiting local business, universities and other institutions, with a target to generate business and job opportunities that for young Palestinian IT entrepreneurs.



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